Post by Alexandra KDoes anyone know where I can get a set of the 4 clamps used
to hold the brackets to the table for this quilting system?
If you mean the things in this picture
they're a standard item in bargain-hardware-stuff shops in the UK.
It usually costs a pound for a packet of them, how many to the
packet depending on the size of the clamp (from 1 to 8). So you
should be able to get them for half Handi Quilter's price.
I use a pair of them, clamped to a table with a few inches of
bungee in between, to hold my greatbass recorder upright when
I'm playing it in pubs (or rather, when I'm not playing it).
And I use lots of different sizes as gluing clamps.
The swivelling plastic bits at the tips tend to fall off. They
could be better made.
e m a i l : j a c k @ c a m p i n . m e . u k
Jack Campin, 11 Third Street, Newtongrange, Midlothian EH22 4PU, Scotland
mobile 07800 739 557 <> Twitter: JackCampin