Happy halloween, and other random stuff
(too old to reply)
Brian Christiansen
2018-11-01 00:50:35 UTC
Happy Halloween. I got 2 small bags of smarties("rockets" in canada, I
think, and what are called smarties in Canada are what we call M&M's in
the United States) and 2 small bags of Tootsie Rolls at the dollar
store. If that is not enough candy for however many people come by, I
guess I will turn out all my lights, pretend I am not home, and go take
a bath. If no one, or very few people come by, I will have some candy
for the a while, I don't buy candy very often because I could kinda do
without it.

I considered getting some "Halloween themed" candies, but I am not all
that certain what they taste like, so I decided on some candies that I
like, and at least think, are fairly popular.

I also have put a new post on my yonkoma. Follow the link below, then
scroll down to the lowest one. I don't know if there are any anime fans
besides myself on this newsgroup, but I think if there, it should be
fairly obvious where the inspiration for my characters came from. If
there are not any other anime fans, the blonde with the pigtails is
Usagi Tsukino, and the woman with blue hair is Ami Mizuno, both from the
show "Sailor Moon," and in their "adult" forms, or at least what I
predict their adult forms will look like.

To make this post quilt, or at least sewing related I will mention a
station I found on accuradio (www.accuradio.com) that would make good
background music for quilting. Accuradio has several stations: classic
rock, classical, jazz, and many other genres. However, the one I wish to
specifically mention is a station that has Beatles songs reimagined as
Jazz. The station is in the "Jazz" section and is specifically called
"Composers: The Beatles," and the description is: "Jazz Artists' take on
George, Paul, John, and Ringo."

Two songs that they seem to do a lot is of course "Yesterday," and
"Eleanor Rigby." I have not heard a version of my favorite Beatles
song, "Penny Lane."

If you were invited to a costume party tonight and could step into into
a hyperbolic time chamber and make a costume for it by tonight what
would it be? Something scary, like Dracula or Frankenstein, a period
piece like a Zoot suit, anime cosplay, like Ami or Usagi from Sailor
moon, Big Bird from Sesame Street, the Flying Spaghetti monster, etc. If
you did attend a costume party, perhaps in the last week or so and made
(or even rented) a costume for it, what was the costume that you made.

Just a final thing: I fell asleep on my couch, and it is almost 6 local
time, and if anyone is going to start coming, it should be soon.
My Yonkoma: https://www.flickr.com/photos/brian0908/albums/72157680223526176

The E-mail associated with the account is a "spamcatcher" account that I
got to every couple of months to empty out, and anything sent to it will
not be seen for probably several months, if it is seen at all.
Brian Christiansen
2018-11-02 15:11:15 UTC
Hello Brian,
I am not much for Halloween except I did enjoy the outdoor decorations this year. We did not have any Halloweener's because they all go to the Malls, churches or other places which advertise Halloween and free candy. I also live in an area that have very few children.
Do you know of any other sewing news groups because this one is almost dead?
Brian Christiansen
2018-11-02 19:51:09 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
Hello Brian,
I am not much for Halloween except I did enjoy the outdoor decorations this year. We did not have any Halloweener's because they all go to the Malls, churches or other places which advertise Halloween and free candy. I also live in an area that have very few children.
Do you know of any other sewing news groups because this one is almost dead?
Usenet is mostly dying, and most discussion groups have moved to
facebook and stuff like that.

I tried to join the rctq facebook group
(https://www.facebook.com/groups/47773676370/), and for a few days my
membership was pending, then it wasn't, but I was not a member (I still
could not access the messages or post to it, so I assume I was not). I
have no idea if the group was "full," (on the page is says "closed
group") or if my membership was turned down for some other reason.

About the only computer game I play is the game Simcity4 and years ago
there was a usenet discussion group for it (perhaps it was even called
"simtropolis"). Now the discussion about these games have mostly moved
to the forums on simtropolis and sc4devotion, and there also appear to
be several facebook groups about simcity4.

More imortantly did you go to and look at my new entry in my yonkoma
(4-panel comic strip?
My Yonkoma: https://www.flickr.com/photos/brian0908/albums/72157680223526176

The E-mail associated with the account is a "spamcatcher" account that I
got to every couple of months to empty out, and anything sent to it will
not be seen for probably several months, if it is seen at all.
Brian Christiansen
2018-11-03 15:36:48 UTC
Hello Brian,
I tried to get on facebook too but they didn't let me join because my e-mail address and name did not match. I didn't want to go in and change everything under my present e-mail, so a friend got me on for a while using a fake name and address and this worked fine for a short while, then they just dropped me. With all the things happening on there, think I am better off without facebook.
