I got some of those topstitch needles and quilting with them so far has gone
well. Worth a try.
Post by d***@gmail.comI recently purchased a used, but almost new, Viking mega quilter. It is
skipping stitches and the thread keeps breaking. I have adjusted both
tensions, and re-threaded, adjust the frame,it sews good for a minute,
then the thread breaks or skips stitches. It is driving me crazy...I am
new to quilting, so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
What kind of needle are you using?
If you are new to quilting, you might be using a Universal needle? This
has a rounded end. If you try a more sharply pointed needle that might
help? I agree with Hanne about the thread - some just does that! Are
you using cotton or polyester or a mix? It will be worth trying a few
combinations. Also, is the bobbin thread the same or similar to the top
thread? That sometimes makes a difference.
Have you checked under the bobbin to make sure there is no fluff?
All sorts of things can cause your symptoms (unfortunately, as it means
lots of checking ...).
Good luck .
Oh - are you piecing or quilting when the thread breaks?
If you are quilting, the tension should be reduced. Some machines like
this to be almost zero.
Also, if you are quilting, the thread might be 'shredding' on the fabric
So, sorry, there are all sorts of reasons. Mine usually works again
after I've tried all the above + plus checking that I've got the correct
foot on...
It might have to go to the SM doctor's if all the above offer no
Pat on the green