Hello RCTQ
(too old to reply)
2019-03-13 21:26:47 UTC
What projects are you all working on? I am currently nearing the end of a double-headed doll (very popular in Victorian times). It has two dolls, joined at the waist. When the top doll is visible, the bottom doll is hidden under the dress. Flip the dress over, and the bottom doll is visible.

I made a Little Red Riding Hood/Big Bad Wolf double-doll for my niece when she was 9. Well, she's 25 now, and lets her 2-year-old son play with it. So I'm making another one: Mary on one side/Lamb on the other. Or it could be Little Bo Peep and a Sheep. It's flexible.

It's very springy - the sheep is wearing a grass-green dress, and Mary is wearing a lavender blouse and a yellow pinafore with pink and green flowers. Very cute. I hope that my great-nephew enjoys it - and now he has a new sister too! Maybe he'll share?

-- Jo in Scotland
2019-03-14 04:40:03 UTC
I had one of those dolls when I was a kid. I don’t know how the doll came to be and I doubt it would be PO today. One doll was a southern girl/lady and the other side was an Aunt Jemima or perhaps a slave. Haven’t thought about that in ages!

I’m working on PHD’s! I have too many to count! I’m getting ready to go on a quilting retreat next week, so I’ve packed up the easiest ones to get my head into and I’ve thrown in an Easter Egg table runner kit for something quick and “new” to me.
2019-03-14 23:23:06 UTC
Yes, I heard they were originally a black girl/white girl and probably that would not go over well today. I like the idea of two nursery tale characters though, because you get two dolls in one and it's not like you can lose part of the set!

I'm also trying to make a realistic badger for a friend who is deeply into Harry Potter and reckons she's in Hufflepuff house. And I need to start a baby quilt for a new great-niece who arrived a week ago.....

-- Jo in Scotland
